Vida Festival 2018
Client: Sitback
Service: Brand Identity
Art Direction: Estefania Pérez & Gerard Marin
Spatial design: Estefania Pérez
Photography: Nit Victorio
Video: Jan Latussek
Vida Festival 2018: Embark on a Timeless Journey - Exploring Wormholes and Celebrating 5 Years of Music and Adventure
Vida is Vilanova i la Geltrú International music festival. An incredible event in a perfect venue with a careful selection of artists.
The visual identity of Vida Festival 2018 was inspired by the pass of time as a main theme. The festival celebrated its 5th anniversary and we wanted the concept to be directly related to this event.
We chose the wormholes as a starting point to develop the imaginary of the festival. They are visually powerful elements and, apart from the obvious reference to space-time, they refer to other very attractive concepts such as the idea of travel with which we would also like to play.